Bob Barman - 2019 Citizen Finalist
Bob has been an integral member of the Lake Oswego community for decades. As a parent, he advocated for students and school programs. He and his wife were active supporters of the Lakeridge Lacrosse team and financially supported the stadium construction at that school. As a school board member for the last eight years, Bob has kept a keen eye on designing schools and programs that will prepare students for future careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. He has been a strong advocate for children with learning differences and success for all students.

Susan Ford - 2019 Citizen Finalist
After retiring from a lifetime of teaching, Susan now dedicates her days to assisting children and teachers as a volunteer. She keeps a set schedule and helps up to five teachers each week provide educational opportunities for elementary students. She is well-loved by staff and she provides extra support, encouragement and a lifetime of expertise to students who need it the most! Susan also volunteers at her church and teaches English to refugees.

Kathleen Mayfield -2019 Citizen Finalist
Kathleen has worked tirelessly to prepare Lake Oswego students for their future careers. Through her company, Socially Grace’d, she has provided a master class on etiquette for hundreds of students where they learned handshaking and interview skills, how to write thank-you notes, and other important life skills. Through the Mock Interview program she has run for the last five years, students learn how to properly conduct themselves during an interview with potential employers. She recruits and trains volunteers for this program which has served hundreds of students.