Michael Musick - 2019 Educator Finalist
Dr. Musick is currently the interim superintendent for the Lake Oswego School District. He is dedicated to teacher and student success. He has advocated for continuing education for teachers to improve their knowledge and skills while providing them with much-needed resources. His dedication to students can be seen in the improvements in student achievement and graduations rates. His calm demeanor and open communication style have endeared him to his colleagues and allowed him to spur positive changes in the district that benefit all concerned.

Beckie Plaza - 2019 Educator Finalist
Becky is a science teacher at Lake Oswego Junior High. Her belief in students’ ability to succeed spurs her dedication to offer stimulating and engaging science classes. She is currently working long hours to create a STEM lab at the junior high. She is working with school district personnel to make this dream a reality. She also serves as the Science Department Chairperson, coaches the Science Olympiad Team, organizes the annual science fair and Outdoor School and tutors students in the evening.

Rollie Wilson, Steve Shearer & Nan Deane - 2019 Educator Finalists
This trio serves as the lead teacher, second teacher, and transition specialist of the Community Transition Program (CTP) at Lake Oswego High School. Rollie and Nan have been with the program since its inception ten years ago. They help students with disabilities, ages 18-21 with invaluable support in transitioning into adulthood, regardless of their path. Using the local community as the classroom, the CTP students learn work and independent living skills and also attend classes college classes. Students also benefit through enhanced confidence and self-worth when they are hired in that first job. Each of these educators work extra hours, including evenings, weekends, and some summer days to ensure students are connected with local community partners. This year they are serving 34 students!