Tamara DiVergilio - 2020 Citizen Finalist
Tamara DiVergilio has been participating in education-related community service since 2011. Her involvement is extensive and broad-based. She’s been a Girl Scout Troop Leader since 2013, a board member for the Girl Scout Service Unit Team, and a volunteer at Girl Scout Camp Willolinn since 2012. Her service in Parent Clubs is just as extensive. She’s currently the Lakeridge High School Treasurer. Prior to assuming that role, she was Co-President of the Junior High Parent Club where she also served as Co-volunteer Coordinator, and was the Volunteer Coordinator at Bryant Elementary. Tamara was a Foundation board member for four years, District Bond Liaison in 2017, and served on the South Side Boundary Committee. At Westridge she was the Robotics Coach and has been a member of the National Charity League since 2016. One nominator described Tamara as highly respected by her peers, as well as by teachers, principals, and children. The impact she has had on Lake Oswego’s educational system is real and lasting.

Robert Heymann - 2020 Citizen Finalist
In 2012, Bob Heymann started Lake Oswego Robotics, a 501 (c)(3) which supports the STEM outreach of the Lake Oswego School District through fundraising, mentoring, resourcing, and coach development. This nonprofit provides a financial and operational structure for parent volunteers to coach robotics teams for District students in 4th through 12th grades. LO Robotics teams compete in tournaments, and there are teams in all of the District’s schools. It has run camps through the Community School for the past ten years and provided an introduction to STEM for more than 500 students. Bob has spent more than two hundred hours each year on programs to meet co-curricular needs for STEM enrichment opportunities in LOSD. He finds practice space, matches up mentors, recruits coaches, oversees the organization’s treasurer, and upgrades equipment (laptops, computer software, bots, machine tools) as needed by the teams.

Philip Rossi- 2020 Citizen Finalist
Philip Rossi has been a leader in the Boy Scouts for more than twenty years. During that time, he’s served in the volunteer roles of both Advancement Chair and Eagle Scout Mentor for Troop 230 in Lake Oswego. His mentoring and inspirational leadership style has influenced and inspired hundreds of Scouts. He has mentored more than one hundred Eagle Scouts in Lake Oswego, assisting them through rank requirements and preparing them for their Scout Master Reviews and each rank’s Board of Review. He provides personal mentoring to each scout on how to best navigate the requirements and projects necessary to advance in rank. As faces in other leadership roles within the troop change from year to year, Phil has remained a constant leader and mentor. It should also be noted that Phil served as a Naval officer for more than twenty years, and is a decorated veteran of both the Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars. He was a recipient of the Lake Oswego Unsung Hero award in 2012.